Vision Statement
“To protect traditional and cultural values to achieve sustainability for Tse’ii’ahi’ Community and its future generations.”
Our Story
The Floyd Burnham family established a trading post in the 1930s. The trading post and the BIA school served as the center of the community for a long time. The Standing Rock Community School is now considered a historical site. The Navajo Housing Authority brought in housing on two occasions, the first were built in the late 1990s and the second group was completed in 2003. A total of 86 housing units are now situated in a subdivision southeast of the Chapter House and Community School. The Community Land Use Planning Committee has developed plans for future land use and has been enthusiastic about new improvements and potential for the community.
Usage Fees
Chapter Usage Fees
Non Registered Member: $213.60, includes 6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax
Registered Members: $193.10, includes 6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax
Note: $50.00 Refundable Deposit
Heavy Equipment Usage Fees
Road grading – $106 for four (4) hours
Backhoe – $106 for four (4) hours
Burial – $212 for NON Registered Members
No charge for Registered Members

Future Head Start Building COnsturction
Chapter Officials & Admin
Johnny Johnson, President
Phyllis Willeto-Lancer, Vice President
Alva R. Tom, Secretary/Treasurer
Clinton Jim, Land Board District 15
Mark Freeland, Navajo Nation Council Delegate
Janice Padilla, Community Services Coordinator
Vacant , Account Maintenance Specialist
Upcoming Meetings
February 1, 2022 Planning Meeting @ 9:00 a.m.
February 15, 2022 Regular Meeting @ 10:00 a.m.
February 2022 TVO Veterans Meeting @ 2:00 p.m
Resident Organization Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
Community Notes
Transfer Station (trash unit) is open on Thursday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
$1.06 for 13 gallon bag
$3.06 for bags 33 gallon or larger.
Coming Soon….Bin for Ashes, Furniture, & Appliances
Please keep in mind to drive slow around the community school, senior center and Chapter.